Stirling Observer

Disgusted at lack of response from SNP or Judy


Dear Editor

I want to thank Mr Fowler and Ms Bullen (Stirling Observer, October 25) for responding to my letter of October 11. Those letters gave me food for thought.

The SNP have damaged their reputation by giving the green light to the Park of Keir developmen­t and other bad local planning decisions which they have supported.

I am not party political. I listen to who I think makes sense.

Recently I joined the SNP because I support the aim of an independen­t Scotland in Europe. It is the first time in 45 years I have joined a political party.

However, I wrote to the minister responsibl­e for this appalling decision with a copy to Judy Murray. I’m disgusted at the lack of response from either of them.

The minister’s letter was apparently passed to a ‘relevant department’ for reply within 20 days.

I fail to see how that works, other than passing the buck as the letter was already addressed to the ‘relevant’ minister.

If the SNP continue to ride roughshod over valid public objections to planning proposals and their own supporters they will never achieve their aims which for me and many others is a sad state of affairs.

Gill Christie Whinwell Road Stirling

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