Stirling Observer

Milton takethe pointsin style


Milton contuned their fine form with a 3-0 win over Broomhouse in a Caledonian League Premier Division match on Saturday. On a blustery afternoon, Milton started on the front foot, taking the game to the home side and after a good opening period they went in front when full-back Calum Grieve fired home from the edge of the box. The home side were pegged back for long periods as Milton continued to dominate but Broomhouse dug in and a combinatio­n of stout defending and failure to convert a host of chances by Milton saw the first half end at only 1-0. With the wind in their favour, Broomhouse took the game to Milton, but the visitors held firm and after good chances at both ends they went 2-0 up when Watt shot home from 12 yards after good work by Mitchell and Shaddick. Milton then saw the game out comfortabl­y and in the 89th minute, Harris was upended when through on goal. Whiteford securing the points from the spot-kick. On Saturday Milton are at home to Kennoway 98s in the Scottish Amateur Cup. Kick-off 3pm.

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