Stirling Observer

Scott Farmer


benefits of the proposal being an issue of significan­t regional and national importance.

“The intentions letter sets out in full the grounds for the planning decision and ministers cannot comment further on this.”

Mr Stewart also said that, while an ongoing review of the Scottish Government planning system included proposals for more decisions to be made locally, there are no plans to review ministers’ call-in powers.

Councillor Farmer had to write to the First Minister following a motion by Tory councillor­s in September.

SNP councillor­s abstained from the vote but it was passed with backing from Green councillor Alasdair Tollemache along with the four Labour councillor­s.

In his letter to the First Minister Councillor Farmer said: “I have to emphasise that, although no official administra­tion line was taken, a majority of members on Stirling Council at a meeting on September 28 requested that I write to you to outline their concern as to the way the planning applicatio­n into the proposed Park of Keir developmen­t was handled.

“The concern expressed was that a democratic decision by the council’s planning panel in conjunctio­n with community representa­tions and the recommenda­tion of the independen­t reporter were set aside by the minister.

“The members concerned have called on me to request you conduct a review of the powers of ministers in Scottish Government

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