Stirling Observer

Banned driver spotted on CCTV camera

‘I love you’shout as man sent to jail

- Court reeporter

A constructi­on worker was jailed after being caught drink-driving – while disqualifi­ed – by a corner shop’s CCTV system.

Simon Blair (35) was arrested after getting involved in “an altercatio­n” outside the store in St Ninians, Stirling.

Stirling Sheriff Court heard he was “seen to be intoxicate­d” and started to argue with police who arrived to calm the incident down.

Witnesses to the disturbanc­e approached police and told them Blair had driven up to the shop in a silver Audi A3.

Prosecutor Lindsey Brooks said: “It turned out that the accused driving up in a vehicle and getting out of it had been captured on the CCTV.”

Mrs Brooks said Blair was required in terms of the Road Traffic Act to say who was driving and replied, “the driver of the vehicle was the owner of the vehicle”.

It then turned out that the car, though registered to a workmate, was actually owned by Blair.

Mrs Brooks said: “He was asked to provide a breath sample but failed to do so. No reason was given.”

Police “took possession” of the car and arrested Blair.

Blair, of Bruce Street, Plean, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualifi­ed, having no insurance, and failing to take a breathalys­er test when required to do so under the drink-driving laws.

The incident, in Cultenhove Road began around 6pm on August 27.

Stephen Maguire, defending, said Blair, who had been suffering from a long-standing alcohol problem, had been “sober since the end of August and intends to remain that way”.

He said the married father-of-three was working, and could pay a fine.

The solicitor said: “He has no recollecti­on of these events. The circumstan­ces that led to him driving that evening are unclear, and I can’t shed any light on that.”

Sheriff Wyllie Robertson said Blair had a number of previous conviction­s for driving while disqualifi­ed.

Jailing him for 10 months and disqualify­ing him from driving for five years, the sheriff added: “Custody is the only appropriat­e disposal.”

A woman shouted “I love you Simon” and left the courtroom in tears, supported by two other women, as Blair was led, handcuffed to a guard, down to the cells.

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