Stirling Observer

Politician meets the hard-working team


which we are doing, but it needs a fundamenta­l rethink and that’s what we’re calling on the UK Government to do.”

The First Minister added: “I’ve seen figures provided by local authoritie­s which show that people on Universal Credit have rent arrears two-and-ahalf times those of people still on housing benefit, so the delays that are partly built into the system and, on top of that, the problems within the system, are making it really difficult for people.

“In principle a welfare system should be about helping to lift people out of poverty and Universal Credit, and the entire UK welfare system, seems to be doing the opposite of that and pushing people further into poverty and that’s why we do need a fundamenta­l rethink.

“The welfare system as a whole is being run by a government at Westminste­r that I think wants to dismantle it rather than make it work properly.”

Ms Sturgeon paid tribute to the hard work of those who give their time to the charity.

She said: “As long as there is that need then people who work in foodbanks and donate to them ... are doing an invaluable job and we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude.”

Stirling MP Stephen Kerr said he supported his Government in their efforts to create a working and fair welfare system and added: “It is a real shame that Nicola Sturgeon visited the fantastic volunteers and activists at Start-Up Stirling and chose to make a blinkered political statement, creating division and grievance rather than paying attention to the superb work that is done by volunteers in Stirling.

“People here know that we need a welfare system that works and delivers real changes in people’s lives through helping them get into work, and that is why I support the Government in their endeavour to create a working welfare system that is fair to all.

“All the evidence points to success with unemployme­nt in Stirling continuing to fall. There are amazing stories of people being helped by people at the DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) and charities around Stirling to get a job after years of being left on the scrap heap.

“This is testament to the hard work that volunteers and staff at a variety of third sector and charitable organisati­ons across Stirling do, which the First Minister would do well to remember. People should come before politics.”

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