Stirling Observer

Quick-thinking heroes save dogs from sinking car

Pooches rescued after Volvo rolls into freezing loch

- Robert Fairnie

Heroic staff at a Callander eatery dramatical­ly rescued two dogs from a sinking car at the weekend.

A black Volvo estate rolled into the water at Loch Venachar on Saturday afternoon, prompting those working at the Venachar Lochside restaurant and cafe to spring into action.

Police officers and a team from the Scottish Environmen­t Protection Agency (SEPA) were also called to assist.

The Observer understand­s that the driver of the vehicle had parked the car outside, leaving her two dogs in the back seat, before quickly popping into the cafe for some refreshmen­ts to go.

However, to her horror, she could only watch on as the car, a 2016 model, began to move and made its way for the water with her beloved pets inside.

It is believed that the vehicle began to move as the electronic hand brake hadn’t applied properly.

Staff at the cafe were quick to act, among them the head chef who stripped down to his boxers, grabbed a spade and rushed to the rescue.

Thankfully they managed to gain access to the vehicle and get the dogs to safety, but they couldn’t save the car which went on to sink below the freezing waters of the loch.

Police officers were called to the scene but drafted in a team from SEPA in a bid to recover the vehicle.

A police spokespers­on confirmed that they attended the Venachar Lochside at around 3.15pm on Saturday after reports of a car in the water.

They said that although there were two dogs inside the car these were retrieved with the assistance of the owner.

Police added: “The car was fully submerged in the water and as a result SEPA were notified.

“Everyone was safe and well and recovery was arranged for the following day.”

SEPA confirmed that they attended the incident to assess the potential impact of leaking fuel or liquids on the water.

However, after a visual inspection they were satisfied that there were no added issues.

The vehicle was recovered with the help of divers early on Sunday morning.

Everyone was safe and well and recovery [of the car] was arranged for the following day

 ??  ?? Drama Brave staff at the Venachar Lochside rescued two dogs from a sinking car. Image taken from Twitter.
Drama Brave staff at the Venachar Lochside rescued two dogs from a sinking car. Image taken from Twitter.

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