Stirling Observer

Burning desire to feel healthier? Get all fired up at Heat Fitness


If your New Year resolve to make 2018 a year of change is already starting to cool then Stirling’s Heat Fitness could be the answer to raising your spirits and your temperatur­e.

Studies have shown that 90 per cent of diets have failed by February 1 and 63 per cent of people have failed in sticking to their new year resolution - it’s human nature!

Heat Fitness, however, are inviting you to give yourself a break and think about taking a new approach to making all these changes towards the happier mind, fitter body and healthier lifestyle you’re looking for.

Jack and Jules Paton opened the doors to their newest fitness venture, Heat Fitness, in 2016 bringing a range of new classes to the Stirling area.

These included Hot Yoga (yoga practised in a room heated to 40 degrees with 40 to 50 per cent humidity), TRX suspension training, Heat Circuits, Warm Hatha Yoga, Restorativ­e Yin Yoga and, new for 2018, Hot Core – a mix of yoga, Pilates and HIIT.

Jack is originally from the local area, and in 2015 the couple returned from living in Australia with a vision of bringing their over 30 years of profession­al fitness training, health and nutrition experience, new approaches and latest techniques back home to put a new health, fitness and wellbeing offering firmly on the Central Scotland fitness map.

Jules said: “Heat Fitness is a friendly, welcoming place where you can come and receive advice and motivating support to help you to achieve your health and fitness goals, whether you’re starting from scratch, looking to build on your existing fitness levels or overcoming existing niggly fitness injuries so you can continue what you love doing.

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“Our Hot Yoga takes more of a therapeuti­c approach than a spiritual one; it’s a moving meditation therapy working with the whole body to improve balance, agility, strength and mental focus – all the things that can take you into later life with a stronger, healthier body and mind. We offer more than 30 classes a week so you’ll always find something that’s right for you, whether it’s nonheated restorativ­e yin yoga, our 60 or 90-minute Hot Yoga or our popular TRX classes which offer the best possible fitness, strength and conditioni­ng exercise for anyone aged between 12 and 65. ”

Heat Fitness also run a 30Day Lifestyle Challenge twice a year with detailed nutrition and exercise advice and support.

They also run the only Hot Yoga retreats in Scotland, and while the next two are fully booked details of the next one in Perthshire in June have just been announced.

“Our clients regularly tell us how much our yoga and fitness offerings have helped them to make the changes they have tried so hard to make for so many years,” added Jules, “whether it’s losing weight, toning up, improving their mental focus and energy levels or just getting that whole new lease of life that gives them the power to achieve the life and the lifestyle they’re looking for.”

Heat Fitness member Kerry Christie said: “My first Hot Yoga class was a year ago and all I could think about was ‘can I do this?’ It was the heat and the humidity which hit me first and I struggled with a few of the postures. After that first class, I felt so amazing; it made me come back again and again. I’m now at Heat Fitness at least four times a week because I sleep better, my cheekbones have reappeared, my waist has come back and I have a renewed enthusiasm for exercise. I feel lucky to have found Hot Yoga.’’

I sleep better, my cheekbones have reappeared and I have a renewed enthusiasm for exercise

 ??  ?? Stepping up Jack and Jules Paton
Stepping up Jack and Jules Paton

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