Stirling Observer

Farmhouse demolition plan lodged


- Alastair McNeill

Plans have been submitted to demolish a ‘dilapidate­d’ farmhouse near Thornhill and replace it with a new fivebedroo­m house.

The Auchensalt Farm site, which lies between Thornhill and Ruskie, currently includes the existing farmhouse and two stone outbuildin­gs.

Applicant Saul Galloway is proposing to demolish the farmhouse along with one of the stone outbuildin­gs, both of which planning consultant­s have described as ‘dilapidate­d.’

A document lodged by planning consultant­s Houghton Planning points out that the proposed replacemen­t two-storey house is of similar scale to the existing threebedro­om farmhouse.

The document states: ‘The existing Auchensalt farmhouse dates from the early part of the 20th century. It is of no architectu­ral interest, although currently occupied by the applicant, is not fit for purpose. For it to be anything other than substandar­d, it would require a complete refurbishm­ent, and substantia­l rebuild of certain key elements.

‘The applicant, who is a builder himself, considers that to deal with issues of significan­t damp and rot, the roof will need to be replaced, including all supporting timbers.

It was further stated that all floors and joists needed replacing as well as most of the windows and lintels.

A bat survey dated December 2016 submitted with the applicatio­n stated that three species of bat were recorded roosting within the site: soprano pipistrell­e, common pipistrell­e and brown long-eared bat.

It added that a mitigation strategy for the proposed works will ensure that bats are protected during the works and that roosting sites are available at all times.

The survey stated: ‘It is not thought that the buildings hold a maternity roost of any bat species, so the timing of the works in non-critical.

‘However, should breeding be suspected on the site, works that would affect a breeding roost must not take place between May and August.’

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