Stirling Observer

Drunken bust-up on way home from hen do

Poured wine over her pal’s head in busy train carriage

- Court reporter

A boozed-up Riverside woman poured wine over one friend’s head before sinking her teeth into another as they returned by train from a hen do in Glasgow.

Laurel McCallum, of Edward Street, avoided a custodial sentence when she appeared at Stirling Sheriff Court this week.

The 28-year-old assaulted Arianne Dick by pouring liquid on her head and body before struggling with her while on a train journey between Glasgow and Dunblane.

She then assaulted Bethany Dick by biting her on the face to her injury, leaving tooth marks on her cheek.

The incident happened at around 6pm on June 10 last year as the group of three were returning from a boozy day out in Glasgow to celebrate an upcoming wedding.

Stirling Sheriff Court heard an argument broke out between the trio on board the busy service over their plans for the evening.

During the heated discussion McCallum got up and and sat in another part of the train – but trouble erupted shortly afterwards.

Fiscal depute Lindsey Brooks said: “The accused returned with a plastic bottle filled with white wine and poured the contents over the head of the witness.”

She said there was then a struggle and other passengers on the train were affected by this.

Ms Brooks added: “The witness released hold of the hand of the accused and the accused bit the witness on the side of the cheek, causing tooth marks.

“The incident was captured on CCTV and another passenger alerted the conductor and police were contacted.”

Defence solicitor Virgil Crawford said: “She had been out in Glasgow on a hen do to celebrate the wedding of a friend.

“A significan­t amount of drink had been taken and this happened on the return journey to Stirling.

“She wanted to go home but her friends wanted her to stay out and have more drink. Her reluctance resulted in the dispute.”

Mr Crawford added: “This happened last July and there has been no further offending since and there is nothing else outstandin­g.

“She does accept there is a connection between her alcohol intake and her offending.

“She tells me she doesn’t drink often and hasn’t actually had anything to drink since this incident.”

Sheriff Wyllie Robertson said: “The charge involves a bite and this is something the court takes seriously, aggravated by the fact it was on public transport.”

McCallum was placed under supervisio­n for 18 months and ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work.

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