Stirling Observer

Teen threw bottles at ex’s house


A teenager who launched glass bottles at her ex-boyfriend’s house has been dealt with in court.

Amber Elizabeth Fleming (19) caused an alarming disturbanc­e while on Balure Crescent, in Fallin, on April 10.

The Cowane Street resident behaved in a threatenin­g and abusive manner by shouting and swearing, uttering threats, banging and throwing bottles at a door.

Stirling Sheriff Court was told this week how Fleming and her ex-partner had been arguing throughout the day of the offence.

At midnight he was asleep in his home and he became aware that Fleming was within the house, having earlier left.

She began to shout so he asked her to leave, and she complied with this. He then locked the door and phoned a taxi for her.

At this point she was seen rummaging through the glass bottle bin, before she made threats to smash a window.

The man got his phone out and she said‘don’t video me, it will make me worse’. She was then seen throwing bottles towards the property and police were contacted.

Officers traced Fleming and she was cautioned and charged.

Appearing in the dock at Stirling Sheriff Court this week she was placed on a community payback order with 12 months’supervisio­n.

This was handed down as an alternativ­e to custody, and a review was fixed for three months’time.

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