Stirling Observer

Human cost of Anne’s ordeal


Dear Editor

I refer to last week’s Observer story(May16,2018) –‘Anne out of pocket despite tribunal win’.The story focuses mainly on finances. However, the human cost to Anne Mackin and others involved was far greater.

I am Anne’s twin sister. I was chair of Stirling Family Support Service for several years until myself and two other committee members resigned due to what we felt was bullying.

We resigned reluctantl­y knowing this left Anne workingwit­h thosewho were still connected with the charity .

Anne was bullied and forced to resign as she was suffering from severe stress and anxiety.

She won her case after the tribunal found no fault on Anne’spartandfo­und the evidence she gave to be credible .

It was clear from the tribunal’s report that they were less impressed with the evidence of SFSS manager JaniceBeat­on and some committee members.

The case lasted 10 days when it should have lasted five as a result of SFSS making allegation­s against Anne which had to be disproved.

Anne did not accept a £10,000 settlement offer as she had to clear her name. SFSS’s first lawyer made the offer before resigning half way through the case.

I have reported the conduct of Janice Beaton and her cohorts to the Charity Regulator which will take forward enquiries to see if charity law has been breached.

I attended the second half of the case when Anne was too ill to attend.

Our other sister died a week after Anne’s first chemothera­py session. Worrying about what allegation SFSS would make nextwasnot­what Anne needed at that time.

You may understand why I believe the human cost here cannot be measured in financial terms.

Margaret Meiklejohn MSc HRM Chartered MCIPD

The Observer asked the charity regulator, OSCR, if they were investigat­ing the conduct of staff at SFSS. A spokespers­on said:“In line with our inquiry policy, we cannot comment on our inquiry work as it may prejudice the work of a charity or OSCR.”

 ?? 110518ANNE_04 ?? Tribunal win Anne Mackin felt she was being bullied at charity at which she worked
110518ANNE_04 Tribunal win Anne Mackin felt she was being bullied at charity at which she worked

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