Stirling Observer

Mum broke teen’s teeth in club attack

Accused threw tumbler at youth

- Court reporter

A mother launched a plastic tumbler at a teenage clubber – causing his teeth to shatter – after he strayed into the ‘private’ VIP section she and her friends had booked.

Rikki-Lee Keegan (20) assaulted Declan Wood while inside the Dusk nightclub on December 23.

The resident of Clark Street, Bannockbur­n, admitted throwing a cup at Mr Wood and butting him on the head to his injury during the incident.

She was ordered to undertake 140 hours of unpaid work in the next nine months when she appeared in the dock at Stirling Sheriff Court this week.

Fiscal depute Lindsey Brooks explained that the witness, an 18-year-old, was on a work night out on the evening in question while Keegan was with her friends in a VIP booth.

At around 2.30am the witness and his friend entered the VIP area and sat themselves down at a booth.

They were told this was a private area, and they were asked to leave, before the accused arrived on the scene and said: “We’ve f ****** booked this VIP”.

She then butted the teenager on the nose and, as he was walking away, a drinking tumbler was thrown towards him – striking him in the mouth.

At this point he could feel something inside his mouth, and after rushing off to the bathroom he realised that three of his teeth were broken and his lip was cut.

Ms Brooks added: “He went to seek assistance from the door staff and they cleaned him up.”

They tried to locate Keegan but were unable to find her and police were contacted.

Keegan was finally traced by police on January 22 and she was detained and taken to Falkirk Police Office.

She said that she “knew what she had done wrong” and that the next day she had forgotten about the incident before being told about it by a friend.

Defence solicitor Ken Dalling said that Keegan is the mother of a young child and has never previously offended.

He said: “She pleaded guilty at the first opportunit­y and says there’s more to this than the witness says.

“I don’t know how VIP booths work but I imagine it’s an area where you get preferenti­al treatment and enhanced service. It’s likely one would know that’s the area they were in.”

He added: “She accepts that she behaved inappropri­ately. It is clear that this is an incident which appears totally out of character.”

Sheriff Alison McKay ordered her to undertake 140 hours of unpaid work in the next nine months as a direct alternativ­e to custody.

After being asked if she consented to the order, Keegan said: “I have just one question – I have a holiday booked for September.”

Before she could finish she was told to save her question for a more appropriat­e time before leaving the dock.

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