Stirling Observer

Killearn mum’s daughters inspired her first ever children’s book


A mum from Killearn has penned her very first children’s book inspired by her three daughters.

Hilary Lawrence started her first tale The Grass May Not Be Greener more than 10 years ago and has since written a number of other tales with a message.

She now lives in Bermuda with husband Tom and 11-year-old Sarah, Sophie (nine) and Susannah (eight), but they return to Scotland every year to visit Hilary’s mum and dad Jane and Lawrence Crawford who still live in Killearn.

Hilary (39) said:“All my books are based on my favourite morals that teach key principals such as‘If you first don’t succeed try and try again’and how‘The grass may not be greener on the other side of the fence’– all of which are essential lessons for success and happiness in life. I have really enjoyed creating this series of books with my children. They are a constant source of learning and inspiratio­n for me.

“When I was growing up, my parents used to tell me stories and proverbs, which I believe are essential in shaping personalit­y. As a mother I feel it is very important to keep some of the morals alive, portrayed in a fun way that is attractive to kids.

“I love the old Native American proverb“Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”

The former Balfron High pupil wrote the stories in her spare time and hopes all of them will be published in the next few years.

They include: Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover, Loose Lips Sink Ships and Fear of the Unknown Is The Greatest Fear of All.

It took Hilary a couple of months to write The Grass May Not Be Greener. She said:“I wrote it nearly eleven years ago when my first daughter was just one year old. Since that time I started to write in my spare time, whilst waiting for the kids to finish activities or when I was waiting in the school pick up line.”

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Write stuff Hilary Lawrence’s children’s books contain a message about life

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