Stirling Observer

Cannabis dealer to do unpaid work

Also gets supervisio­n

- Court reporter

A Stirling man who had been dealing in cannabis in order to fund his own “chronic” habit was last week given supervisio­n and unpaid work.

Edward King had admitted a charge of being concerned in the supply of the class-B drug at his Woodside Road home between February 24 and 27 this year.

Fiscal depute Lindsey Brooks told Stirling Sheriff Court this week that a warrant was sought and granted to search the house after being told 22-year-old King was involved in the supply of drugs.

When a search of his home was carried out by officers King was present along with his sister, father and mother.

During the search a zip bag was recovered with a trace amount of cannabis and scales, as well as two grinders containing herbal material.

Ms Brooks said a witness was detained and gave a verbal statement that there was an intention to purchase cannabis from the accused.

The amount of cannabis recovered at the house weighed 1.3g and its value was £13.

When interviewe­d by officers King told them that he sold the drug to fund his own habit stating: `I have to sell it to get it.’

King’s agent told Sheriff William Gilchrist that his client had abused cannabis over a substantia­l period of time and would `rob Peter to pay Paul’ to obtain the drug.

The lawyer suggested that supervisio­n and unpaid work could be imposed as a punishment.

Sheriff Gilchrist asked the solicitor about King’s attitude to cannabis. After consulting his client, the lawyer replied: “He smoked some last night. He said he could try to stop.”

Sheriff Gilchrist told King that he was concerned that “history was likely to repeat itself.” If King continued to abuse cannabis, he pointed out, he would turn to dealing to fund the habit.

However, he imposed 18 months’ supervisio­n and 200 hours’ unpaid work, to be completed in eight months, with a review in four months time. He warned King that prison was certain “if you become involved in the supply of cannabis or anything else.”

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