Stirling Observer

Another fine mess


A fine of £200 imposed on a ‘dumb dumper’ – who left old furniture and other items, scattered on and alongside a road at Port of Menteith – was insufficie­nt according to our social media commentato­rs.

Lynn Allan Warrington: “Based on likelihood of being caught, it’s probably cheaper to take the fine every few uplifts rather than pay weighbridg­e costs at dump. Raise the fine levels.”

Norman Graham : “The fine for that should be more, probably three-times that amount. This needs to stop.

“However, when the council is charging huge prices for special uplifts this is the problem you cause. I don’t condone fly tipping and the fines should be more.”

Martine Flynn: “It takes the same effort to get that furniture into a car/ van, drive it somewhere, then dump it as it does to deposit it at the tip. There are no excuses.”

Susan Carruthers: “Disgusting. I wish people would learn that dealing with fly tipping pushes up our council tax.”

Barry Fulton: “£200, is that it? Probably the clean-up costs are more.”

Danny McLean: “Classic example of the man with van doing tip runs without a SEPA licence.”

Morag McAllister: “Person responsibl­e should be made to clear it up.”

Note: According to Stirling Council’s website, a‘standard bulky uplift’of up to five household items, or six if one is a fridge, costs £42.10.

Any additional items will be based on an assessment and the type of items being uplifted.

Households with people over 65 are entitled to two, free‘bulky’uplifts a year.

Domestic fridge freezers are collected free of charge.

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Tipping point side of the road Stuff dumped on the

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