Stirling Observer

Visit by Israeli official

Uni demo plan

- Warren Hardie

A Walk in the Park event held in Killin a few weeks ago has reaped benefits for two good causes.

Scottish Air Ambulance and the Killin

Alexander Stewart MSP has called for tougher punishment for litter louts and fly tippers.

The Tory MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife says that instances of rubbish being dumped in Stirling area’s countrysid­e, parks and streets has become a growing problem and he is calling for spot penalty fines to be Hogmanay Fireworks Committee each received almost £350.

Cheques were presented recently in Falls of Dochart Retirement Home by

increased as a deterrent.

Mr Stewart said: “The current fine in Scotland is £80 and was last changed in 2013. In England, the default fine is £100 with a range of £50£150 although the minimum is increasing to £65 from April 2019.

“The Scottish Conservati­ves would at least match England, the manager of the home Mandi Hay to Jinni Dowling of Killin Hogmanay Firework Committee and SAA representa­tives.

and beyond that, we wish to make Scotland’s litter deterrence the toughest in the UK.

“Ultimately, we would want to ring–fence revenue from these fines into an environmen­tal fund, with a view to specifical­ly to improving our countrysid­e and wider environmen­t

and would do all we can to introduce this to primary legislatio­n.

“The abhorrent practice of fly tipping and careless littering is a growing problem here in Stirling and Dunblane and I for one will do all I can to help stamp this out and improve the environmen­t in our region.”

A demonstrat­ion was expected to take place at Stirling University yesterday (Thursday) during the visit of a high-profile Israeli diplomat.

The event at the university campus has been organised by its politics society who say it is an opportunit­y for students to quiz the government official.

A heavy security presence is expected with those attending facing identity and bag checks, and strict rules concerning filming the event.

PolSoc president Fraser Raeburn said: “This event will be engaging and informativ­e for students who attend.

“The society works to be internatio­nal in our outlook and inclusive in our intent.

“Like all our events, we explicitly do not endorse the views or actions of our speaker or their government.”

However, the invitation has drawn condemnati­on from left-wing groups such as the Scottish Socialist Party, and protests are expected outside the venue.

A spokespers­on for Stirling University SSP condemned the organisers for arranging the visit of a diplomat representi­ng a state “condemned by the United Nations and guilty of several serious human rights violations against the people of Palestine.

“What makes this even more unforgivab­le is that living on campus are Palestinia­n students,” added the spokespers­on.

“How must they feel about their Union’s decision?”.

It is understood that due to security concerns, the identity of the Israeli official and the venue would not be revealed until closer to the event.

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