Stirling Observer

Doubts emerge over city homes

Question mark on sheltered housing


A possible question mark has arisen over the future of a controvers­ial developmen­t planned for Stirling.

Retirement house builder McCarthy and Stone and several partners plan sheltered housing and fast-food outlets on land next to the Orchard House surgery in Union Street.

Despite objections from Stirling councillor­s, the scheme was given the nod following an appeal to the Scottish Government.

However, possible doubt about the way in which the scheme will proceed emerged last week following a story in the Observer’s sister title, the Perthshire Advertiser.

In response to an inquiry about a proposed developmen­t in Kinross, the managing director of McCarthy & Stone Jonathan Fair told the PA : “Following the restructur­ing of our business, we are not progressin­g new developmen­t projects in Scotland. [However], we remain committed to our sites currently under constructi­on and those where apartments are for sale.

“We intend to proceed with our planning applicatio­n and secure full planning permission for our developmen­t proposals and then in conjunctio­n with the landowner, sell on the site with the benefit of the consent secured for another party to develop.”

Asked whether Mr Fair’s comment had implicatio­ns for the site near Orchard House – where developmen­t work has yet to start – a spokesman said nothing had been decided.

“There are still decisions to be made on one or two sites and we hope to have a statement by the middle of January.”

It is understood there are ongoing discussion­s with Stirling Council about the developmen­t’s Section 75 agreement. It will dictate what, if any, financial contributi­on developers have to make towards schools, roads, transport, public realm, affordable housing, etc.

In addition to McCarthy & Stone, plans for the developmen­t are being progressed by Caledon/TDL, Raploch Urban Regenerati­on Company, Scottish ministers and NHS Forth Valley.

Stirling Council’s planning panel rejected plans for the developmen­t in May despite a planners’ recommenda­tion for conditiona­l approval.

Councillor­s decided the proposal constitute­d “gross over-developmen­t” of the site, represente­d a loss of valuable open space and was an inappropri­ate location for sheltered housing. They also thought it would impact on views from Stirling Castle and Stirling Bridge there were further concerns about the lack of affordable housing in the developmen­t despite the backers’ argument that this was not required given occupancy of the flats would be limited to older people.

Four submission­s made by the public had taken issue over fast food outlets on the site, the height of buildings planned, loss of trees, increased traffic and pressure on parking.

An appeal lodged by the developers with the Scottish Government’s DPEA (Planning and Environmen­t Appeals Division) in an attempt to overturn the panel’s decision, was conditiona­lly approved.

 ??  ?? Plans Artist’s impression of proposed developmen­t in Union Street
Plans Artist’s impression of proposed developmen­t in Union Street

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