Stirling Observer

Second school hit by winter vomiting bug

20 pupils have symptoms similar to norovirus


A second Stirling area school was hit by a diarrhoea and vomiting bug just days before Christmas.

Aound 20 of the Aberfoyle Primary’s 61 pupils suffered the illness, which has similar symptoms to the winter vomiting bug norovirus.

NHS Forth Valley has not been notified of the outbreak and at this time has not been requested to carry out a ‘deep clean’ of the school.

The Observer reported last week how about 100 of East Plean Primary’s 160 pupils were hit by the bug prompting health chiefs to order a ‘deep clean’ of the school. Pupils feeling ill were advised to remain at home.

Parents took to social media as the illness took its toll on scores of pupils across the area.

It’s also believed that pupils in Callander and Bannockbur­n became ill.

Norovirus or winter vomiting often breaks out in closed environmen­ts, such as schools, hospitals and care homes.

It causes nausea and diarrhoea, high temperatur­e and aching arms and legs and doctors say that the symptoms are usually spread from other sufferers and can be treated at home.

People with the bug usually start to recover within one or two days.

The Aberfoyle Primary school handbook advises parents how to deal with infectious illnesses. It says: “Colds, flu and gastro– enteritis are the most common infections affecting children of school age. It is important that you keep your child off school in the early stages of flu and while they still have diarrhoea.

“Children who have had diarrhoea should stay off school for 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea. It is also important that your child understand­s how to prevent picking up and spreading such infections.”

Trossachs and Teith councillor Martin Earl said: “These illnesses love an environmen­t with lots of people and spread really quickly but usually do not last too long. I hope nobody had their celebratio­ns too badly affected. I have asked for confirmati­on that deep cleans will be carried out ready for the start back after new year.”

I have asked for confirmati­on that deep cleans will be carried out ready for the start back

 ??  ?? Hit by bug Around 20 of Aberfoyle Primary’s 61 pupils have been ill
Hit by bug Around 20 of Aberfoyle Primary’s 61 pupils have been ill

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