Stirling Observer

Nothing like a wee tea,book and blether


Gartmore villagers have been using visits by Stirling Council’s mobile library service to bring people there together.

They have launched a `wee tea, books and a blether’event in GartmoreVi­llage Hall.

One of the organisers, Gerry McGarvey, said the fortnightl­y visits to the village by the library were highly valued.

A group of volunteers decided to lay on a special tea to coincide with the time the library rolls into the village.

And the get-togethers now attract 30 villagers and it is hoped to continue them during the new year.

Mr McGarvey said:“People in the village are very supportive of the library which is of immense benefit to the village in providing access to books, audiobooks and video.

“In addition, it is also proving to be of particular benefit to the elderly and those with mobility issues within the community who use it as a place to meet and exchange news and views within the community.

“We thought that maybe addressing these two needs might be combined.

“As a result the simple idea of village folk having tea and cake together when the mobile library service comes to the village was born and every second Friday in the village hall we now hold a`wee tea, books and a blether.’”

The sessions are free, although those who turn up are invited to make donations towards the cost of staging the gatherings.

Attendance at the seven blether events held since September, when the initiative was launched, have numbered almost 200.

An evaluation of the programme among those enjoying a`blether’was positive with one saying:“I have met new people. It’s a treat to get you out when the weather is bad or you feel lonely. Something to look forward to. Mixes all ages.”

Stirling Library Service has also noted that the blether events have coincided with an increase in the number of people coming to the library van.

A spokesman said:“It is always such a bustling friendly atmosphere between the hall and the bus now with people coming and going, catching up with each other, swapping ideas, advice and news,

“The van is constantly really busy now for the 45 mins we are at the hall which has been so wonderful. We have about 10-15 new regular readers now in addition to the regular readers who came on before.”

 ??  ?? Initiative Council library service staff member Emma Skeldon (left) with event organisers Gerry McGarvey, Peter Hunt and Clare Workman
Initiative Council library service staff member Emma Skeldon (left) with event organisers Gerry McGarvey, Peter Hunt and Clare Workman

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