Stirling Observer

Chairman out after 16 years

Anger at community council process


Callander Community Council’s chairman expressed his disappoint­ment and anger after he was ousted from the position at its annual general meeting on Monday.

Richard Johnson was voted out of the position he had occupied for 16 years, with vice chairman Chris Corden taking the helm.

According to Stirling Council’s scheme for the establishm­ent of community councils, if a chair seeks re-election at an agm, having already served for more than four years consecutiv­ely, then the community council must approve, by secret ballot, their nomination by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote.

The first vote was deadlocked at 7-7. Community councillor­s were then asked to vote a second time which returned a 6-8 majority against Mr Johnson.

MrCorden, was the only member seeking to become chairman and his candidacy was approved.

Community councillor Susan Holden took over the role as vice chair.

Following the vote, an angry Mr Johnson said he would challenge the outcome and called into question the process.

He said: “At the AGM this week I was removed from the chair of Callander Community Council for no apparent reason.

“Earlier in the meeting I had given a chairman’s address welcoming those community councillor­s elected in 2018 and saying we all need to work together for the benefit of the community.

“I was then prevented from standing for re-election as chair, apparently by most of the new community councillor­s.

“The procedures, which are clearly laid out in the scheme for establishm­ent of community councils and the community council handbook, were not followed so I have challenged the outcome.

“I’m disappoint­ed and angry about the way this was carried out and concerned for the future reputation of Callander Community Council.”

There is no formal procedure in the event of a tied vote, however the Community Council Handbook, which is a guidance document, suggests that: “ case there is a tie of votes a suitable method should be chosen and agreed before the ballot takes place, eg. toss of a coin.”

Stirling Council said the officer present on Monday evening proceeded to carry out a second vote by secret ballot, which resulted in a clear decision. New community council chairman, Chris Corden said: “Looking ahead, the community council is ambitious to achieve many of the ideas that were presented in the 2017-2021 Community Action Plan.

“We believe this can be achieved through regular communicat­ion with the whole community and by ongoing collaborat­ion with organisati­ons such as the National Park, Stirling Council, Callander Community Developmen­t Trust and others.

“I’m delighted that Susan Holden has taken on the role of vice chair, while Brian McKay continues as treasurer and Elaine Watterson as secretary.

“It’s an honour to be elected to the post of chair of the community council and it will be hard to follow Richard Johnson, who in the 16 years he has been chair, has achieved so much. I hope I can achieve a fraction of what he has accomplish­ed.”

Members were installed following the community council elections last October. Mr Johnson was then re-elected as Callander Community Council chairman following the elections.

I’m angry and disappoint­ed about the way this was carried out

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