Stirling Observer

MSPtouts Killinhist­ory inparliame­nt


Stirling MSP Bruce Crawford highlighte­d the history of Killin in a debate at the Scottish Parliament.

MSPs were debating the St Andrew’s Way, a series of pilgrimage routes that lead to St Andrew’s Cathedral.

The St Columba’s Way stretches 200 miles from Iona to St Andrews, via Killin in the Stirling area.

Mr Crawford took the opportunit­y to discuss Killin’s history, highlighti­ng the ‘Killin Incident’ of 1749.

He said: “Killin’s history is of great interest to many who visit, and the history of the village has great character that endures to this day, as I can testify. The Killin incident of 1749, in the aftermath of the Jacobite uprising, gives a flavour of the type of community that Killin is.

“Two men who were causing mischief were captured by the British Army, not for crimes that they had committed, such as the stealing of goods, but because they were in full Highland dress, which the British Government’s Dress Act 1746 had outlawed.

“They were captive until a large mob of the good folk of Killin secured their release. I can testify that, to this day, the good people of Killin will not stand for injustice.”

Commenting after the debate, Mr Crawford added: “Pilgrim routes in Scotland have become more popular recently, and I welcome this. They are a celebratio­n of our country’s history and it is fitting that people who take part in these routes seize the opportunit­y to soak up as much local history as possible.”

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