Stirling Observer

SNP support for new Living Wage


A Living Wage of £9.30 per hour was this week backed by Stirling SNP candidate for Stirling Alyn Smith, pictured, and MSP Bruce Crawford.

They voiced their support during Living Wage Week which runs from Monday to Sunday.

The aim is to promote the benefits of Living Wage accreditat­ion to staff, stakeholde­rs and the general public.

During the week, a new rate of the Living Wage was announced by the Living Wage Foundation at £9.30.

The Conservati­ve Government has committed to raising the national living wage to £10.50 by 2024 which Mr Smith and Mr Crawford believe is ‘too little to late’.

Mr Smith said: “The implementa­tion of the real living wage is essential to relieve poverty in Scotland. We also call on the UK parliament to increase the pay of 16 to 18 year olds and apprentice­s in line with changes to the rate of the real Living Wage. We will call for the UK government to task the Low Pay Commission to deliver this national pay rise, and to put in place appropriat­e support for employers where it’s needed.”

Mr Crawford added: “It is vital to help lift people out of poverty, to promote local business, and to help create a fairer society. The SNP has also committed to encouragin­g the implementa­tion of the real living wage across Scotland and the UK as a whole.

“This is evidence by the fact that Scotland has more than a quarter of the accredited Living Wage employers of the UK. Further to this, the Scottish Government has implemente­d the Living wage and is a certified Living Wage employer.”

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