Stirling Observer

Mystery over who padlocked bridge


Access to a public footbridge over the River Forth was prevented when a gate was mysterious­ly padlocked shut.

Cyclists and walkers using a core path could not access the overpass near to the Craigforth junction of the M9 after it was chained.

A cyclist travelling from Bridge of Allan into their work at Castle Business Park in Stirling was forced to turn around after being denied entry to the bridge that would have taken them over the river towards the Old Mill Fishing Lodge. They were then faced with a multi-mile detour.

However, it’s unclear who locked the entrance to the bridge.

The bridge is owned by Scottish Water, but a source at Scottish Water this week said it had no knowledge of any action being taken to withdraw public access.

Following inquiries by the Observer, the padlock and chain on the gate were removed by Monday afternoon.

Dr Crispin Bennet, Cycling UK representa­tive for Stirling, hit out at the move to close off access to the river crossing, saying that it is a breach of the Land Reform Act which gives cyclists and walkers the right to roam. Core paths are paths, waterways or any other means of crossing land to facilitate, promote and manage the exercise of access rights under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003.

Dr Bennett said:“I’m led to believe that the gate had been locked for several weeks.

“The public has the right to responsibl­e access to core paths but with the access to the bridge being blocked it meant that people had to travel about two miles back to Bridge of

Allan to find an alternativ­e way.

“Core paths are supposed to be given special protection under the Land Reform Act.

“Stirling Council has recently declared a climate emergency, but this just goes to show that car is still king.

“It’s shows a complete lack of respect to cyclists and walkers.”

 ??  ?? Who done it? Gate on footbridge over Forth locked
Who done it? Gate on footbridge over Forth locked

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