Stirling Observer

New job for ex-chief executive of council

Stewart Carruth takes up role with tech firm


Former Stirling Council chief executive Stewart Carruth has joined a Glasgow-based tech company

Mr Carruth, who left the council 15 months ago after four years at the helm, has joined iOpt.

The company has premises at the The Hive in Glasgow’s Argyle Street and was establishe­d in 2016.

It uses technology to allow owners and managers of large rental property portfolios, such as social housing or build-to-rent investors, to monitor the internal environmen­t of their assets from afar.

Founder and managing director of iOpt Dane Ralston, said: “Stewart’s experience in digital and housing gives him great insight into the issues we are trying to help housing providers across the country to tackle.”

Mr Carruth, who has a postgradua­te diploma in housing, served as director of corporate governance at Aberdeen City Council before joining Stirling Council as depute chief executive in 2013.

Mr Carruth tendered his resignatio­n from Stirling Council on August 31, 2018, after a summit meeting with senior councillor­s.

In a statement, the council spoke of Mr Carruth’s successful four-year term at the council’s helm and the senior official said it had been an “enormous privilege” to work for the authority.

His tenure as chief executive coincided with the setting up of the city region deal for Stirling and Clackmanna­nshire and moves by the council to improve Stirling’s digital infrastruc­ture.

Mr Carruth was also in charge of the authority at a time when its management structure was streamline­d, with many long-serving senior officers taking early retirement.

While this saved millions in salaries it contribute­d, according to an Audit Scotland report, with a `loss of corporate memory’ and expertise across the council.

Mr Carruth was replaced as chief executive by his deputy Carol Beattie.

Mr Carruth’s abrupt departure from the council was followed by a six-month wrangle between the authority and the Observer over details of his severance package,

Council officials said its accounts for 2018-19 would show Mr Carruth – whose annual salary was around £115,000 – received more than £93,000 plus expenses for five months’ work.

Later, the council revealed the sum included a £10,000 `golden goodbye’.

 ??  ?? New job Former Stirling Council chief executive Stewart Carruth
New job Former Stirling Council chief executive Stewart Carruth

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