Stirling Observer

Why did so many vote to stay in?


Dear Editor

Reading Mike Rapport’s campaignin­g letter (Observer, November 13) reminded me of my surprise when the majority of Scottish voters opted to remain in the EU.

This is the EU that costs us billions each year – for little or no tangible return or benefit and that’s money we could better spend on health care, policing and infrastruc­ture.

This is the EU whose accounts have never been audited. No accountanc­y firm, including the `big four’, is prepared to sign them off, which speaks volumes.

So why did so many vote to stay with an unelected, undemocrat­ic, sclerotic and corrupt bureaucrac­y?

What really surprises me is that anyone actually voted to leave at all. David Cameron and his Cabinet didn’t want to leave and used the virtually unlimited resources of the civil service and other vested interests to promote a leave campaign. Remember the Cameron government’s £9 million `informatio­n’leaflet sent to every household explaining why we should remain?

Then we had`Project Fear’ with dire prediction­s from the likes of Osborne, Hammond and others of mass unemployme­nt, food and medicine shortages and economic disaster, all of which have been shown to be completely wrong. But my personal favourite was David Cameron’s ludicrous assertion that our leaving the EU would cause the break up of NATO and threaten peace in Europe. NATO, of course, is a defence organisati­on and is nothing to do with the EU.

Fortunatel­y, the majority of the UK’s voters, the largest majority ever recorded, saw through this mendacity and fudge and voted to leave. Maybe after three and a half years of dithering, obstructio­n and delay by preening politician­s, we might actually get what we voted for.

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