Stirling Observer

MSP urges females to get checked out for cervical cancer


A politician has urged women in Stirlingsh­ire to get checked for cervical cancer.

Alexander Stewart spoke out as part of a bid to raise awarenesss of the disease and throw his weight behind a campaign to raise awareness.

The Tory MSP offered his backing after meeting with cancer charity bosses.

Mr Stewart, who represents Mid-Scotland and Fife, called on Stirlingsh­ire residents to be aware of the illness and how they can reduce their risk of developing cervical cancer.

He met with representa­tives of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, including chief executive Rob Music, at Holyrood during Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, which ended on Sunday.

Shadow Minister for Local Government, Mr Stewart said:“Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust’s awardwinni­ng #SmearForSm­ear campaign is currently in its sixth year and for 2020, they want to combat the myths that exist around cervical screening and HPV.

“This year the cervical screening programme will be changing to test for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) first, as testing for HPV is far more accurate.

“Whilst this test is estimated to prevent almost 500 diagnoses of cervical cancer in the United Kingdom every year, it is a much more sensitive test.

“Its accuracy means that more women will be told that they have HPV, so I and the trust want them to feel informed and comfortabl­e on receiving their results.”

He added:“Cervical screening uptake in Scotland is on average 73.1 per cent which is well below the 80 per cent target, with Forth Valley recording just 76.6 per cent in 2018/19. This means that around one in four women did not attend when invited.

“I fully support Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, as well as their #SmearForSm­ear campaign and I call on every woman from across Stirling to take the test when invited to do so; it really does save lives.”

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity.

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