Stirling Observer

Social media tourist campaign


The organisers of a new tourism campaign are urging Forth Valley to share the local sights and sounds with the rest of the world from the comfort of their homes.

The social media campaign, named ‘A Window on Scotland’, is being run by Visit Scotland and encourages people from across the country to post a picture of the view from their property and post it on social media using the #AWindowonS­cotland hashtag.

Residents here have been busy submitting their own pictures, with images including vistas of Stirling Castle and the Wallace Monument, the rolling hills over Thornhill, as well as back gardens from across the region.

It aims to stick to the ‘stay at home’ message, but also gives the opportunit­y for Scotland to show itself off to the world when travel restrictio­ns are changed.

Neil Christison, Regional Director at VisitScotl­and, said: “We’re thrilled at the reaction to #AWindowOnS­cotland from residents and heartened that businesses are engaging with the campaign and using the opportunit­y to share their windows on Scotland with the world during this challengin­g time.

“The staycation market will be a key driver in the country’s economic recovery and the many wonderful views people have been sharing of the region while they stay at home will surely be an incentive for many to travel to Forth Valley when the time comes.

“The campaign is far from over and we’d encourage residents and businesses to continue posting their views, however they may look, as it is all Scotland, to help lift the spirits of those at home and abroad.”

Steve McLeish, who runs tour company Outlandish Journeys, added: “As someone who shares Scotland’s rich history and stunning landscape with tour guests from around the world, I am fortunate to explore the many diverse regions of our ancient land.

“I’m passionate about promoting Scotland to the world, mainly through my social media channels, so when I learned of Visit Scotland’s wonderful #AWindowOnS­cotland campaign, I began sharing pictures and videos of previous tour journeys with my online audience.

“It has reminded those lucky enough to call Scotland home, just how beautiful, diverse and rich our heritage and culture truly is. I hope that when people can, many will be encouraged to ‘staycation’ in Scotland and enjoy a new journey, right from their own doorstep.”

 ??  ?? Campaign One of the pictures submitted as part of the A Window on Scotland drive looking out over the Wallace Monument
Campaign One of the pictures submitted as part of the A Window on Scotland drive looking out over the Wallace Monument

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