Stirling Observer

Weddings and sport now allowed


Scotland has officially moved into phase two of the lockdown routemap - and this is what it means for you.

From today (Friday), people who have been shielding will be able to meet with one other household outdoors and are able to leave their home for exercise.

Meanwhile, non-shielding people will be able to meet a total of two households outside and will also be able to use indoor toilets while visiting another household in groups with a maximum of eight.

From Monday, June 22, some of the measures include: places of worship being allowed to re-open for individual prayer, dental practices starting back for those with urgent care needs and face coverings will be mandatory when travelling on public transport.

Profession­al sport can also return from next Friday, although it will remain behind closed doors at this stage.

From Monday, June 29, a number of other relaxation­s have been agreed.

These include allowing retail businesses with street access to re-open, outside markets being allowed to trade, the loosening of restrictio­ns on housing moves and the re-opening of indoor, non-office businesses such as factories, warehouses and labs.

This stage will also allow marriages and civil partnershi­ps to finally take place - although only outdoors and with minimal attendees - and also will see zoos and outdoor attraction­s being permitted to open their doors for access of those within five miles only.

However, one anticipate­d change that has been left out of the phase two guidance is the re-opening of outdoor beer gardens, with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon saying she was unable to give a date for that change at the moment.

Announcing the measures yesterday, Ms Sturgeon sounded a cautious tone, saying:“Our progress so far is because of lockdown but the virus has not gone away.

“So as we gradually remove the restrictio­ns that have kept it under control, there is a very real risk that transmissi­on could rise again. That is why - if we don’t want to go backwards - we must progress carefully.”

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