Stirling Observer

Protest at decision


A controvers­ial hardline supporter of Scottish independen­ce is planning a protest at The Battle of Bannockbur­n visitor centre.

Sean Clerkin of Action for Scotland said the protest will take place at 1pm today and described the centre’s mothballin­g until 2022 as “cultural vandalism”.

He added:“By closing the centre until 2022 National Trust for Scotland are in our opinion trying to silence our history.”

The NTS decision to close the £9m centre until 2022 has been criticised by Stirling politician­s and tour operators, with some objectors calling for the popular facility – which attracted 44,148 visitors last year – to be taken off the trust’s hands.

Stirling Council boss Scott Farmer expressed disappoint­ment that NTS had not consulted the local authority before making its plans public and MSP Bruce Crawford said they did not take into considerat­ion the impact on the wider Stirling tourist economy.

Bannockbur­n SNP councillor Alasdair MacPherson said this week that the centre should be

“the jewel in the crown”of the National Trust for Scotland’s portfolio.

The decision to mothball it, he added,“is truly bewilderin­g and flies in the face of stated NTS objectives.”

He continued:“I am going to contact NTS trustees and ask if they are prepared to consider working collaborat­ively with volunteers who would run the operationa­l side of the business.

“I was involved in the community buyout of Bannockbur­n House, which is a grade A listed building less than two miles from the Battle of Bannockbur­n Experience, and when we put out a rallying call for volunteers we were inundated with offers of help.

“I am therefore not fazed at all at the thought of working with volunteers to help reopen the Battle of Bannockbur­nVisitor Centre.

“I am very confident people from all around the country would be prepared to play their part in ensuring that this fantastic national asset is not mothballed.”

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