Stirling Observer

Untested care patient stats ‘truly shocking’

117 discharged from hospital in first weeks


The Stirling Observer can reveal 117 NHS Forth Valley patients were discharged into care homes without first being tested for Covid-19 in the first six weeks of the crisis.

The health board has since stepped up its testing measures to become one of the leading Scottish health boards in care homes testing.

But figures released to the Stirling Observer by a Freedom of Informatio­n request reveal only 13 of the 130 patients moved into care homes between March 1 and April 14 were first tested for the virus.

A Scottish Conservati­ve MSP has described the revelation as “truly shocking” but says “sadly it comes as no surprise.”

Between the first confirmed case of Covid-19 in Scotland (in Tayside) on March 1 and April 14, 130 NHS Forth Valley patients were discharged to care homes. Only 13 of the 130 patients were first tested for Covid-19 - all 13 tested negative.

Testing patients discharged into care homes was not made mandatory by the Scottish Government until April 21.

Tory MSP for Mid-Scotland and Fife Alexander Stewart said: “Following an admission from the First Minister that she didn’t fully appreciate the risk of asymptomat­ic hospital patients being discharged straight into care homes, this huge ratio of untested patients is truly shocking but sadly it comes as no surprise.

“Coupled with Scotland’s health secretary Jeane Freeman’s refusal to express regret for moving untested hospital patients to care homes in front of an influentia­l Westminste­r committee, saying instead that it was a clinical decision for doctors displays a cavalier attitude towards the responsibi­lity for such a grave situation.”

Mr Stewart is pointing the finger of blame wholly at the SNP-led Scottish Government. Last week, he hit out at Scottish Government statistics that showed that across Scotland’s 14 health boards, only 11,195 care home staff had been tested out of an estimated 50,000 across the country. As of June 14, testing had doubled with 22,544 tests carried out on care home staff.

NHS Forth Valley was one of the best performing health boards in the Scottish Government statistics. In the week commencing June 1, NHS Forth Valley carried out 876 tests on care home staff - more than any other Scottish health board.

That same week, the health board carried out 565 tests on residents in care homes, second only to Scotland’s largest health board NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde which carried out 678 tests on residents.

As of June 14, NHS Forth Valley had carried out 2884 tests on care home staff and 2318 tests on residents.

Mr Stewart added: “The SNP is entirely in control of Scotland’s health service and they alone bear this responsibi­lity regarding the Scottish Government’s decisions throughout this crisis

“We need a full public inquiry into the number of care home deaths, and for immediate improvemen­ts in testing.”

The First Minister announced in May that there will be a public inquiry into the crisis which will look at care homes.

Ms Sturgeon has repeatedly been questioned on the issue of patients being discharged from Scottish hospitals to care homes during the pandemic before compulsory testing was announced on April 21.

Last month, she told MSPs: “If we apply what we know now to the situation then, of course we might now take different decisions.”

She added: “There were risk assessment­s of people leaving hospitals and of course there was guidance to care homes about isolation. On that issue as on everything, we continue to adapt our response as our knowledge continues to develop.”

A spokespers­on for NHS Forth Valley said: “The lockdown was introduced in Scotland on March 23, 2019 and NHS Forth Valley followed and continues to follow all relevant national guidance relating to discharge arrangemen­ts and testing. This national guidance has been reviewed and revised on a number of occasions since the start of the pandemic.

“Care home residents admitted with symptoms of Covid-19 would not normally be discharged from hospital while they are still symptomati­c and would therefore no longer be infectious or pose any risk to other residents or staff when they returned to their care home.

“Strict isolation and infection control procedures would have been put in place, if required, by care home operators for any residents with symptoms of Covid-19 until they had completed the appropriat­e period of self-isolation in line with the national guidance at that time.

“All patients over the age of 70 are now tested for Covid-19 on admission to hospital and any patients being transferre­d to a care home after they have discharged from hospital are also tested for Covid-19. We are not aware of any local outbreaks of Covid-19 in local care homes which occurred as a result of an individual being discharged from hospital.”

Ratio of untested patients is truly shocking but sadly comes as no surprise

 ??  ?? Figures Alexander Stewart
Figures Alexander Stewart

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