Stirling Observer

‘Full-time return could cause more harm’


The last five months has been a tough time for families and our education staff

Following the news that Scotland’s schools have been given the green light to welcome pupils back to the classroom, we asked our readers their thoughts on the decision.

Readers took to our Facebook page to share their views.

Beth Boyd said :”As a retired teacher, I think the emphasis should be on the children’s well-being and mental health and NOT the academic in primary and nursery levels. And yes, kids should be back in school full-time as far as can possibly be managed – they need normality – maybe not the old one but a semblance!”

Erin Currie posted: “I was ok with a phased return and blended learning but to just have the kids straight back full-time as normal seems to me like a huge jump. Especially with Covid on the rise.

“Apart from this many kids and teachers have been at home possibly shielding for the past five months with limited contact. To plunge them back full-time when they might be anxious could cause more harm than good.

“My son is supposed to be starting P1 in a school where he knows no one, never stepped foot in the building, no transition, no easing them in as I know yet and it really makes me anxious not knowing the plan. I really hope there is more info and a softer approach announced soon.”

Lynn Malcolm added: “Kids looking forward to getting back to school but apprehensi­ve too.”

Alisha Mcnabney said :”The schools and council are clueless! Not in a bad way but until all the kids go back no one will know if it was a good idea or bad!

“I’m sure if things begin to spike again the plan-b will be put in place but as nervous as I was before, I’m dying for my kids to feel some sort of normality again! Everyone (parents) need to remain calm and normal for the kids! It’s the people freaking out who will make this much harder and encourage anxious kids!”

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