Stirling Observer

‘The toys will make a lot of children happy’


Many of the charities benefiting from toys and gifts from the appeal have described its importance.

Stirling Young Carers service coordinato­r Zoe Tetsall meanwhile said:“we were amazed again at the generosity of those who donated, especially after the year everyone has had. It is so lovely to see that people were still able to help others.”

Janice Beaton, chief officer of Support for Families (S4F) also extended“a huge thank you”.

She added:“this has been a very strange and difficult year for many of our families and Christmas is no exception.

“This Christmas we expect more and more families will struggle to heat, feed and clothe their children let alone afford the additional pressures that Christmas brings.

She told the Observer:“i know you have gone to a lot of effort and had several sleepless nights to ensure as many charities and children receive gifts this Christmas, however, your kindness and hard work has paid off yet again.

“The generous donations from your donors will help support families make Christmas time a little brighter and bring some joy for many vulnerable children and their families. We are forever grateful for all your efforts.”

A spokespers­on for Stirling Council’s social services added:“the COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the best in many people. People have shown compassion and empathy and offered a helping hand to others during these extraordin­ary times - and none more so than the people of Stirling who have once again donated a fantastic amount of Christmas presents to the Stirling Observer Give a Gift Appeal.

“These will go a long way to ensuring that some of the more vulnerable children in Stirling will have a much happier time this


Fiona Fowler of Stirling Interfaith Community Justice Group, which operates Cornton Vale and Glenochil Family Help Hubs, said:“this year has been difficult for everyone.

“We have been very fortunate in we were able to work throughout the pandemic by moving our support to families affected by imprisonme­nt online, by telephone and in the community when safe to do so.

“We are disappoint­ed not to be having our usual Christmas parties, but just now it’s about keeping everyone safe.

“We wouldn’t be able to deliver gifts to every family who would’ve attended our parties if it wasn’t for the generosity of the local people and we want to say thank you to each and every one who has donated.

“This appeal is such a great cause and we are very thankful for the kind donations we receive.”

Clare Stevenson of CRAG (Cowie Rural Action Group), which supports children, struggling families and senior citizens in the village all year round, said:“crag wish to say a big thank you to the Stirling Observer for the donation of toys.

“We are delighted to hand these out on your behalf. The toys are amazing and will make a lot of children happy this Christmas.”

 ??  ?? Volunteers Representa­tives of Cowie Rural Action Group
Volunteers Representa­tives of Cowie Rural Action Group

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