Stirling Observer

Cowie gets new Covid testing hub


A rapid testing centre is in place in Cowie for Stirling residents who don’t have coronaviru­s symptoms.

The community testing initiative has been put in place to drive down local rates and identify positive cases more quickly in an effort to keep transmissi­on levels lower by reducing the chance for the virus to spread.

Any residents who don’t have the three main symptoms - a new continuous cough, temperatur­e, loss or change in sense of taste or smell are encouraged to be tested. Test results will be available within 45 minutes and anyone who tests positive will then be asked to take a confirmato­ry PCR test.

The testing began at Cowie Community Centre yesterday (Thursday) and will be available until Sunday. For today and Saturday, the centre will be available between 12pm and 6pm; and on Sunday, the times are 9am to 12pm.

There is no requiremen­t to pre-book the testing.

Stirling Council chief executive Carol Beattie said: “These tests are completely voluntary and are there for anyone who may want one. We are hoping that Cowie residents will recognise the benefits of getting involved in local testing efforts to help reduce the spread of the virus in their communitie­s.

“By getting tested you can find out if you are positive, and take immediate action to stop the spread of the virus to others, by self-isolating.”

Dr Graham Foster, NHS Forth Valley’s director of public health, said:““This new testing facility will make it easier and quicker for people who don’t have any symptoms of Covid-19, to get tested to ensure they are not able to spread the virus to friends, family or colleagues without realising it.”

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