Stirling Observer

Dylan and mum walk the walk for epilepsy charity


A Riverside mother and son duo are to take on the virtual Kiltwalk later this month to raise cash for an epilepsy charity.

Patricia Graham and her 11-year-old son Dylan will tackle the virtual mass participat­ion walking event to raise funds and awareness for Epilepsy Scotland after Dylan began to suffer from the disorder last year.

Each year Kiltwalk events take place across Scotland –including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh. However, due to current Covid restrictio­ns, this year’s event will be taking place virtually.

They will be walking 26-miles as part of the event.

Dylan began suffering from daily seizures last summer which left the family scared.

He was eventually diagnosed with epilepsy, and has since been receiving support from charity Epilepsy Scotland.

Dylan, Patricia and two of her colleagues from the Royal Bank of Scotland, where she works, will be taking part in aid of the charity as a way of saying thank you for all that they do.

Dylan has been taking his training seriously and is looking forward to tackling the real thing later this month.

Mum Patricia said: “It all started in June last year following months of lockdown, not seeing his friends, Dylan had to adapt to living with epilepsy. He had his first seizure on the morning of June 30, about an hour after he got up and out of bed. It was the start of the summer holidays and so he had a lie in. We were taken by ambulance to Forth Valley Royal Hospital where he was checked out and I was advised that it may be a one off or that the seizures may come back again – it was a case of wait and see.

“We didn’t have to wait long as the next seizure was a few days later.”

The youngsters was once again rushed to hospital by ambulance.

Patricia continued: “Seizures continued every few days before he was eventually referred to an epilepsy specialist. After assessment­s and scans of his brain the diagnosis was confirmed on July 18.

“It was a really difficult time for the family as we all try to cope with this new diagnosis and this new illness and to watch the children taken constant seizures as a parent is one of the scariest things you can go through.

“Over the last six months, I have worked with the hospital to get the balance of Dylan’s medication correct to control his seizures but I have to admit I am still on edge every morning in fear of another one.”

Following a phone consultati­on with a specialist from Epilepsy Scotland, the family were provided with more informatio­n about living with epilepsy.

Patricia added: “At that time I knew nothing so it was really good to get informativ­e informatio­n from people who knew the illness so well. They are a charity and help support people understand and also have platforms and forums where you can engage in conversati­ons with other parents and suffers. It really helps knowing that other people understand your concerns and that are in a similar position. They have been a real godsend.”

Dylan and Patricia wanted to do something to say a big “thank you” to the charity and so decided that they would take part in the virtual Kiltwalk to raise funds and awareness for Epilepsy


Patricia’s employer, Royal Bank Of Scotland, are also sponsors of the Kiltwalk.

They will complete the walk over three days and will take in some Scottish landmarks along the route.

Patricia added: “Dylan’s passion is football. He plays for Larbert 2009s so this is a bit of a change and will be a real challenge to walk so far over the three days. He is really looking forward to it and he’s up for it so much that he may do it again at the end of the year.”

Since his diagnosis, Dylan has become an epilepsy ambassador at Riverside Primary.

After increasing his own knowledge of the illness, he was happy to go into school and share this knowledge with other pupils so that in the event of a seizure they would know what to do and how to help him and others who suffer from epilepsy.

“He’s such a trooper. His dad and I couldn’t be any more proud of how he is coping with having epilepsy,” Patricia said.

 ??  ?? Together Patricia Graham and her 11-year-old son Dylan will tackle the virtual Kiltwalk to raise funds and awareness for Epilepsy Scotland
Together Patricia Graham and her 11-year-old son Dylan will tackle the virtual Kiltwalk to raise funds and awareness for Epilepsy Scotland

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