Stirling Observer

Associatio­ns decide not to merge shows


Members of Doune Agricultur­al Associatio­n were faced with a tough decision when they held their annual meeting in April 1929.

Its committee met with its Dunblane counterpar­ts a short time earlier to discuss amalgamati­ng their annual agricultur­al shows.

The case for combining the two shows was put by the secretary of the Dunblane associatio­n who proposed holding a joint show alternatel­y in Dunblane and Doune every second year. However, following discussion,

Doune associatio­n members decided to continue to stage their own show annually as they had always done.

Meanwhile, the Observer reported that Lady Orr Ewing, of Cardross, Port of Menteith, had her hands severely bitten by a dog and was confined to the house because of her injuries. Her husband, Sir Norman Orr Ewing was a breeder of golden labradors and her ladyship was out walking with one of the dogs when it was attacked by another dog. Lady Orr Ewing tried to separate the animals but the other dog turned on her and bit her hand.

In Killearn, John Mitchell, who lived in the manse there, went fishing on the Kelty Water, near Gartmore, with his cousin Alexander Johnston. They heard a hissing in the grass and discovered it came from an adder, measuring between one and two feet.‘They promptly dispatched the viper with the butt ends of their rods,’said the Observer.‘The adder, which is beautifull­y marked, is now in Killearn Manse preserved in spirits of wine.’

Mr and Mrs Alex MacGibbon,

Kinbuck, received word their son, George, had been appointed to a Government position, as grade herd tester, in West Maitland District, 40 miles north of New South Wales, Australia. George went there in 1927 under the auspices of a Fellowship of the British Empire Exhibition.

He spent 10 months at Wagga Experiment­al Farm, NSW and after gaining experience there he was engaged at a 50,000-acre sheep station with a reputation for being the best in the area for wool.

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