Stirling Observer

Pleato hospital visitors to follow advice


Staff at NHS Forth Valley are appealing to visitors to comply with guidance and advice when visiting loved ones in hospital.

They say the number of visitors not observing the guidance around PPE is increasing, with many removing or lowering their masks when speaking to friends and relatives, an action which can compromise patient safety.

There are also reports of people in Forth Valley Royal Hospital bringing take-away coffees up to ward areas, such as four-bedded bays, then taking off their masks to drink them.

And social distancing of two metres is not always being adhered to.

NHS Forth Valley Nurse Director, Professor Angela Wallace, said:“The staff have been fantastic and are happy to speak to visitors about the guidance, but on occasions it has been very difficult as some have been more or less told to ‘get lost’when challenged about ignoring advice.

“I would urge the public to please treat staff with kindness and respect; they are doing their very best to keep our hospitals safe.

“I would also like to remind people attending hospitals or using our services to continue to follow Covid-19 guidelines.”

Should you need to attend a hospital or healthcare centre you must:

 Wear a face covering or mask at all times, unless you are exempt. If you are exempt please make this clear to local staff.

 Avoid congregati­ng and respect physical distancing measures at all times - continue to follow two metre physical distancing rules when at any of the facilities.

 Use hand sanitising stations before entering and leaving the sites.

Professor Wallace added that anyone who is unwell, has been identified as a close contact of a confirmed case of Covid-19 or who has been advised to self-isolate should not visit or attend hospitals or other healthcare facilities. They should also stay away if they are returning from a country which requires quarantine.

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