Stirling Observer

Four-weekly bin lifts begin despite outrage


Residents will receive their new bin collection calendars from Stirling Council this week ahead of the start of controvers­ial four-weekly collection­s of grey and blue bins.

All households, except some city centre and flatted developmen­ts, will have their grey bin (general waste) and blue bin (plastic, cans and cartons) collected every four weeks, instead of fortnightl­y, from Monday September 20.

The changes mean some residents may have different collection days after this date and they are being advised to check their calendar when it arrives. New calendars will be available online in advance of the change date.

Stirling Council’s SNP/Labour administra­tion says the change from fortnightl­y collection­s aims to reduce waste to landfill by encouragin­g better recycling, limiting avoidable costs to the council for landfillin­g waste, and providing a more efficient bin collection service for residents.

However, the change has sparked outrage, including two petitions.

News last year that the council’s waste transforma­tion programme would see grey and blue bins collected four-weekly instead of fortnightl­y was met with an outcry, including a 7000-signature online petition.

The bid ultimately failed to persuade the SNP/Labour administra­tion to backtrack.

With the change looming, a fresh petition launched this summer reached more than 4000 names.

While the SNP/Labour administra­tion argue that the timetable change will reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill, increase recycling rates and improve service provision, Tory councillor­s have argued against the change saying it will increase fly-tipping and that neighbouri­ng Falkirk Council has seen no increase in recycling since it introduced a four-weekly cycle.

The council’s environmen­t and housing convener Councillor Jim Thomson said this week, however: “We’ve been talking about these changes and the reasoning behind them since last June and I’m sure our residents are now fully equipped with the informatio­n they need before they come into place.

“The Recycle 4 Stirling campaign was instrument­al in that by explaining the financial and environmen­tal impacts of a fortnightl­y collection of grey bins, as well as providing helpful informatio­n to improve your household recycling.

“The mailing of new calendars is the final step before the changes get underway and I’d encourage everyone to keep their eyes out for a letter from the council.”

Vice convener Councillor Danny Gibson added: “We’re now just a few weeks away from the start of four-weekly collection­s and I’m pleased and proud to see Stirling making such a bold transition with waste collection. It’s vital we protect our environmen­t with better recycling and reduce costs to deliver an effective and efficient service for the people who live in Stirling. I’m confident the change to four weekly collection­s of grey and blue bins will achieve those goals and would encourage anyone who needs extra capacity to read the letter we’re sending and contact us for support.”

The Tories, however, have pledged to scrap the four-weekly pick up if they take over after the next council elections.

Leader of the Scottish Conservati­ve Group at the council, Councillor Neil Benny, said: “No amount of spin from this SNP/ Labour administra­tion can rewrite history or ignore the facts.

“These cuts are being bought in without any prior consultati­on and against the wishes of the vast majority of Stirling’s residents. There were other options available that were not put before all councillor­s.

“There is a reason why only one other council in the country has tried four weekly collection­s and that is because the evidence from the one that did shows recycling rates fall and fly tipping increase.

“We remain opposed to these unnecessar­y cuts to such an important service.”

See­irling for more informatio­n on the changes.

 ??  ?? The new way Calendars and leaflets for reference are going out to householde­rs
The new way Calendars and leaflets for reference are going out to householde­rs
 ??  ?? Bin collection­s The bins have been upgraded and collection­s reduced
Bin collection­s The bins have been upgraded and collection­s reduced

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