Stirling Observer

Dedicated Donnie in award honour


A local SSAFA volunteer from Clackmanna­nshire has been awarded the prestigiou­s Sir James Gildea Global Award for his commitment to the Armed Forces community.

Army veteran Donnie Munro, 71, has supported SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, in a variety of roles for the past nine years. He is currently the SSAFA Forth Valley Branch fundraisin­g convenor which includes visiting clients and being a general helper for SSAFA.

Donnie has raised more than £80,000 of funds to support the Service community since joining the branch, organising numerous events and still putting in enormous behind the scenes work to achieve this.

Serving in the Army for 40 years, Donnie joined the Queen’s Own Highlander­s straight from school in 1965, with postings including Berlin, the Middle East and the Falklands.

Donnie retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2005 and saw for himself the vital service SSAFA provides to serving and retired Service personnel and their families.

His other achievemen­ts include consolidat­ing a partnershi­p with the Argyll & Sutherland Highlander­s Associatio­n to support branch fundraisin­g, and establishi­ng the SSAFA Forth Valley Office at

Forthside Depot after two complex office-moves. Although standing down now as the fundraisin­g convenor, Donnie will still keep busy as a SSAFA volunteer.

Married to Maureen and with one daughter, Donnie said:“I feel very honoured to have been selected for this award. I decided to volunteer with SSAFA due to the breadth of help it offers the Service community. As a 40 year veteran, I totally back its efforts to help our Servicemen and women and their families when they need support.”

Find out more about volunteeri­ng for SSAFA Forth Valley at uk/forth-valley, email forthvalle­y. or call 01786 479541.

 ??  ?? Proud Donnie Munro receiving his certificat­e from Vice Lord Lieutenant of Stirlingsh­ire, Colonel Alastair Campbell, accompanie­d by Colonel Colin Peebles, SSAFA Forth Valley President.
Proud Donnie Munro receiving his certificat­e from Vice Lord Lieutenant of Stirlingsh­ire, Colonel Alastair Campbell, accompanie­d by Colonel Colin Peebles, SSAFA Forth Valley President.

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