Stirling Observer

Fringe week green events


A special week of events will take place in Callander next week higlightin­g the actions we can all take to tackle climate change.

The Callander Climate Fringe Week will run from September 18 to 26 and has been organised by local residents and organisati­ons in the town as Scotland gets ready to host the world for the global COP26 summit in Glasgow later this year.

The aim of the event is to encurage people to reduce their levels of waste and to improve levels of energy efficiency as part of efforts to conserve the natural environmen­t.

There are more than 20 events organised over the course of the week including bike maintenanc­e to incentivis­e people to cycle more or learning how to sew to make clothes last longer.

On top of the recycling events, other excursions see a mushroom foraging walk and a cycle ride sharing the schedule with a climate cafe and an electric car get-together.

Speaking about the event’s programme, the organisers said:“There’s so much climate action already taking place in Callander so we really wanted to showcase what we already do, as well as inspire others to find their own way to protect the climate.

“The time to act is now; we all have a part to play, so visit the website and come along to find your climate inspiratio­n.

“We are grateful to all the volunteers taking part, as well as our sponsors, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, Stirling Council and Callander Community Developmen­t Trust for helping us put on this week of events.”

You can visit the schedule of events for the week on the organisers’website at https://incallande­ callanderc­limatefrin­geweek.

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