Stirling Observer

Art highlights climate crisis


With the UN Climate Change Conference set to take place in Glasgow this autumn, Scene Stirling has commission­ed five creatives to lead the city’s artistic response to the climate crisis.

The creative cohort will work together on a joint Stirling based project, combining their artistic talents to create a series of connected and collaborat­ive artworks that inspire climate action ahead of COP26.

The successful artists include filmmaker Sean Hall, performanc­e artists Kate Clayton and David Sherry, musician Rory Green and poet Ojo Taiye.

By working together, the cohort hopes to provide some fresh perspectiv­es on climate change.

Sean said: “The climate crisis is an issue that is hard to encounter, often making us feel overwhelme­d and a little helpless.

“Our hope is that this project will explore and provide new ways to look at and consider the issue of climate change, and that some of these new viewpoints may hold the promise of possibilit­y and action.”

Kate added: “At this time, when the emerging climate crisis is being urgently debated, it couldn’t be more important for artists’ voices and visions to be taken into account.

“Climate change is a terrible prospect. Collaborat­ion can be a wonderful thing. I’m just so pleased to be given the chance to add my older woman’s voice to the mix.”

The cohort plan to develop a ‘Creative Ecosystem’ in the run up to COP26. A space where they will create, enact and display works of art from performanc­es and poetry to sound works and screenings. They’ll also highlight the climate crisis from multiple perspectiv­es through collaborat­ive workshops.

Kevin Harrison, manager of Scene Stirling said: “The arts have an important role to play in challengin­g, informing and engaging audiences in conversati­ons about climate change. This is our first major collaborat­ive commission and we’re excited to see how the artists collective­ly respond to one of the biggest issues currently facing our planet.”

Ojo Taiye is a young Nigerian artist who uses poetry as a tool to hide his frustratio­n with society. He aims to amplify the experience­s of minorities, creating greater awareness of the issues they face with regards to climate change, sustainabi­lity and social justice.

David Sherry is a Northern Irish artist, best known for his performanc­e art. He uses humour and familiar experience­s to connect with audiences and is interested in the conflict of interests around climate change and the capitalist mind set.

Sean Hall is a Stirling based filmmaker interested in exploring how film can help us encounter ideas and feelings which often defy language and are not easily pinned down. He hopes to unearth new ways to look at climate change, a subject which he believes is often difficult to take in all at once.

Kate Clayton is a Glasgow-based performanc­e artist who practices under the banner of ‘Not Dead Yet.’ The main focus of her work is the visibility of older women, particular­ly the over-60s. In her experience, every collaborat­ion presents different challenges and opportunit­ies, a situation she embraces.

Rory Green is an electronic musician and sound artist from Glasgow interested in creating sounds with multiple layers of interpreta­tion. He’ll employ his talents to create experiment­al, ambient music to accompany and magnify the project’s final artworks.

 ??  ?? Piper Callum Beaumont of Dollar who has been invited to compete in this year’s Glenfiddic­h Piping Championsh­ip
Piper Callum Beaumont of Dollar who has been invited to compete in this year’s Glenfiddic­h Piping Championsh­ip
 ??  ?? Strong message Kate Clayton - Frank McElhinney’s image of Silver Swimmer on Bute
Strong message Kate Clayton - Frank McElhinney’s image of Silver Swimmer on Bute
 ??  ?? Musician Rory Green
Musician Rory Green
 ??  ?? Talented Ojo Taiye
Talented Ojo Taiye

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