Stirling Observer

Cash for mental health mentors


Forth Valley College has received £218,000 from the Scottish Funding Council to fund a mental health cordinator and three mental health mentors.

The recruitmen­t process for these roles has now begun with a view to having the team in place for October.

The new Mental Health Support Team will be based at the Falkirk Campus and will support students across all of the college’s campuses, including Stirling. The new team will deliver the service both in-person and online to align with the FVC curriculum.

The mental health mentors will support students on a one to one basis. Their focus will be on students who are experienci­ng poor mental health and/or have a diagnosed mental health condition.

The emphasis of this service will be around supporting students to sustain and achieve at college while developing the personal

resilience skills and capacity building to navigate life after college.

FVC are looking for applicants with experience supporting service users with their mental health, the skills to deploy various approaches to supporting students with their mental health and, ideally, an understand­ing of supporting mental health in an education context.

Anna Vogt, Head of Inclusion and Student Services at FVC, said:“We are so grateful for additional funding provided to us from the Scottish Funding Council to support student mental health and wellbeing.

“The number of students disclosing mental health conditions and general poor mental health, has increased significan­tly over recent years and this additional mental health funding will allow us to further enhance our support.

“We are looking forward to hearing from anyone interested in these new roles.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about the roles being advertised should visit https://www. myjobscotl­ forth-valley-college/jobs

 ??  ?? Help The college has received £218,000 for a mental health cordinator and mentors
Help The college has received £218,000 for a mental health cordinator and mentors

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