Stirling Observer

City uni creates new Chinese connection

Educationa­l partnershi­p for students


An educationa­l partnershi­p between Stirling University and a university in China commenced this week.

The opening ceremony for Chengdu University – Stirling College (CDUSC) took place on Monday, September 6 in Chengdu, Sichuan province.

The partnershi­p enables students to study degrees in Sports Studies (BA (Hons)), Data Science (BSc (Hons)) and Digital Media (BA (Hons)), awarded from both universiti­es.

Graduates will receive two degrees – one from Stirling and one from Chengdu – at the end of four years of study, providing they fulfil the academic requiremen­ts for each institutio­n.

The students will also have the option to pursue study at Stirling both as part of their undergradu­ate programme or for a postgradua­te programme, once circumstan­ces allow.

University of Stirling principal and vice-chancellor professor Sir Gerry McCormac, said: “The University of Stirling is an internatio­nal university with a pioneering spirit and global reputation for high-quality teaching and research – and we are driven to build global partnershi­ps with likeminded institutio­ns across the world.

“We have strong links with China – including existing relationsh­ips with the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Hebei Normal University – and I am incredibly proud that we’re able to add the prestigiou­s Chengdu University to that list.

“Chengdu and Stirling share values of excellence and innovation, and a belief that internatio­nal education and collaborat­ion can help build a better world.

“With our combined strengths, I know this partnershi­p will go on to achieve great things, not only for our students and staff, but for communitie­s and societies across the globe.”

Almost 900 Chinese students study at the University of Stirling, which counts 4500 Chinese graduates among its near 100,000 alumni, across 120 countries.

As well being known for sport, Chengdu is home to the Chengdu Panda Base, which has bred the largest population of captive giant pandas in the world.

Chengdu was the first designated UNESCO City of Gastronomy in Asia, and is also known for its opera and associatio­n with two famous Chinese poets - Li Bai and Du Fu.

Chengdu and Stirling share values of excellence and innovation, and a belief that internatio­nal education can help build a better world Sir Gerry McCormac

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Links Stirling University is working with Chengdu University in China

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