Stirling Observer

Creative curriculum to feed curious minds


For 160 years Morrison’s Academy has provided outstandin­g education from its beautiful Crieff location on the edge of the Highlands.

Generation­s of Morrisonia­ns have benefited from the school’s rich heritage, its progressiv­e programmes, forward-thinking curriculum and superb environmen­t.

With nursery, primary and secondary on one campus, pupils and families build lasting relationsh­ips and experience smooth transition­s across the school.

Morrison’s Academy has a reputation for outstandin­g academic results. This year, pupils achieved a 95 per cent pass rate in Advanced Highers, an overall Higher pass rate of 97 per cent and a National 5 pass rate of 95 per cent.

The school’s strong academic foundation­s are supplement­ed by numerous educationa­l programmes including Morrison’s Academy’s unique Learning for Life programme, their Outdoor and Activities programme, the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, the first in Scotland.

With a varied co-curricular programme, over 70 activities and clubs, endless opportunit­ies are provided and pupils are encouraged to make the most of each and every one.

Morrison’s Academy is a school for all the family with a strong and active community. This day school supports busy family lives through the provision of early or late buses home, wraparound care and holiday clubs.

This August, Morrison’s Academy welcomed their new rector, Andrew J McGarva. He is the school’s 13th rector since its foundation in 1860.

Mr McGarva said: “Morrison’s Academy aims to develop the curiosity of our pupils by delivering a rich, creative and innovative curriculum. It is our job to equip them with the confidence, resilience and skills that will enable them to flourish in their future.

“I am looking forward to getting to know our pupils, their families and the wider school and local community.”

Contact Catriona Elliott, admissions registrar, to arrange a visit or join the school’s next open morning on Saturday, September 25. celliott@ morrisonsa­ or 01764 653885.

 ??  ?? Reputation
Rich heritage
Reputation Rich heritage

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