Stirling Observer

Son made threats to mum

Intoxicate­d son said he would ‘get someone to bump her off’


Sentence on a thug who threatened his mother while he was being put up at her Dunblane home was deferred this week.

Jamie Bradley had admitted a charge of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner at the address while on bail on another matter.

The 37-year-old had also threatened violence towards his mother on August 5 and 6 last year.

Fiscal depute Lindsey Brooks said Bradley had been living with his mother a few nights a week at that time.

On this occasion she returned home at 11.30pm to find her son in the living room in an intoxicate­d state.

She told him to stop drinking and get to bed because he had work the following morning.

However, Bradley followed her around the house behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner.

He pushed his weight up against her, said Ms Brooks, and told her that ‘no-one liked her’.

Feeling threatened the complainer contacted another person by phone, putting it on loudspeake­r, and the accused continued to behave in a threatenin­g and abusive manner.

Ms Brooks said she made attempts to leave the address but the accused prevented her from doing so – and made threats that he would ‘get someone to bump her off ’.

The woman however managed to leave and take refuge at the address of a witness.

Bradley’s agent George Pollock told Sheriff Derek Hamilton that his client had “recently completed a significan­t custodial sentence” and was currently subject to a Supervised Release Order.

Referring to a recommenda­tion in the social work report, he asked that sentence be deferred “to see how matters progress”.

Sheriff Hamilton noted that the Supervised Release Order, imposed on May 12 this year, still had nine months to run.

He deferred sentence until March 2 for an up-todate criminal justice social work report and a good behaviour report.

Bail was revoked and Bradley was ordered to appear on that date.

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