Stirling Observer

College’s hi-tech teaching title


Microsoft Education has recognised Forth Valley College as a Showcase School for the 2021/22 academic session.

The news comes just as the college – which has been leading the way in the Scottish college sector in the field online and remote learning - celebrates the achievemen­t of having a total of seven members of staff announced as Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts.

Microsoft Showcase Schools are pioneers in education, and are held up as an elite group of schools that exemplify the best of teaching and learning in the world today. Only a few institutio­ns earn this designatio­n.

Bill Crawford, a lecturer in the Department of Engineerin­g and Science, and a mentor with the Learning and Digital Skills Academy (LDSA), has been instrument­al in driving the college to achieve Showcase School status, and the LDSA will continue to build on this through delivery of training and digital technology support for FVC staff.

Bill said: “Gaining Microsoft Showcase School status is a major achievemen­t for the college. It demonstrat­es that our digital ambition, creative learning strategy and transforma­tion processes align with the rigorous requiremen­ts of Microsoft’s Education Transforma­tion Framework.

“But more importantl­y this achievemen­t validates the hard work of all college staff and our students throughout the challengin­g circumstan­ces of the past 18 months.

“As a Showcase School we join an exclusive global community, recognised and celebrated for educationa­l transforma­tion that includes vision and innovation in teaching, learning, and preparing students for the future.”

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