Stirling Observer

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In last Wednesday’s edition of the Observer, we reported on Stirling Council’s introducti­on of‘cashless parking’at council car parks.

The local authority has partnered with mobile parking provider Ring Go, which will offer car park users a quicker way to pay rather than having to resort to cash.

The move was hailed as“welcome news”by the council’s environmen­t and housing convener, Jim Thomson - although Conservati­ve group leader Neil Benny described the move as“well overdue”.

Readers had their say on the Observer’s social media channels with their thoughts on cashless parking and whether the move would be a popular one with local motorists.

Barry Hughes said:“Absolutely, I’ve used the same app in quite a few other places and it works quickly and well.”

Marco Ku added:“Welcome to 2021. The good thing about paying with the app is that you can extend the parking without going back.”

Cath C Ann wrote:“This wil be so much better. Hardly anyone has cash these days. Used this in lots of other places and works fine.”

Ros Walker said:“At last! Been caught out so many times when I’ve needed to park and realise I have no cash!”

Finally, Shahid Hamid hailed the move, saying:“Great news. It is about time parking meters are updated.

“The amount of people that no longer use cash is increasing.”

However, for others, there were questions raised over the impact of the move on those not as tech savvy, as well as queries raised over the possible impact on car parking prices in Stirling.

Kirsty Sinclair wrote:“I’m all for having the option to go cashless but what about those who aren’t tech savvy or don’t own smart phones such as some of the older generation.

“That is limiting them again from being able to go about as freely as before.”Victoria Struthers said:“At the moment you can pay by cash and card. Thankfully I had cash today mind you after downloadin­g the app, it would only give me 4 hours at Victoria Square rather than full day.”

James Smith said:“We should be introducin­g free parking for the time being, there so many empty shop fronts and the city centre looks derelict.”

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