Stirling Observer

Room for error with cashless parking plans


Dear Editor,

Re last week’s article on cashless parking machines I would like to share my recent experience of this.

She also didn’t either understand the instructio­ns or didn’t have a mobile phone and had gone to the university reception desk for guidance and been told that the system was not operationa­l that day.

Whilst I accept that many people do not now carry cash many of us still do and/or may not have a smartphone.

Such people will be greatly disadvanta­ged by this new system.

Ian Whyte

Bridge of Allan blood sugars drop too low, below 4mmol/l. It can be dangerous if not treated immediatel­y, as it means the brain does not have enough energy to work properly.

It can happen for various reasons, including taking too much insulin, missing a meal or miscalcula­ting carbs.

Hypos must be treated quickly with fast-acting sugar, so that blood sugar levels rise again. Good hypo treatments include sugary drinks (not diet versions), fruit juice, glucose tablets or gel or sweets like jelly babies.

If someone tells you they have diabetes and are having a hypo, you can help them to find or get a sugary drink or some sweets, but if they become unconsciou­s call an ambulance.

If you have diabetes and you are experienci­ng frequent hypos, speak to your healthcare team who can support you to make changes to your medication or insulin doses.

Everyone has different hypo symptoms, but the most common are feeling shaky; feeling disorienta­ted; sweating; being anxious or irritable; going pale; palpitatio­ns and a fast pulse; lips feeling tingly; blurred vision; feeling hungry; feeling tearful; tiredness; having a headache; or lack of concentrat­ion.

Angela Mitchell, Diabetes Scotland

 ??  ?? No cash The new parking meters allow people to pay via an app or by calling a number
No cash The new parking meters allow people to pay via an app or by calling a number

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