Stirling Observer


Big cheer as event returns


There was a huge cheer from spectators on Saturday when some 5,000 ducks cascaded from the Faery Bridge into the Allan Water signalling the start of the Rotary Club of Bridge of Allan and Dunblane’s Duck Race.

After two years of disappoint­ment when it had been necessary to cancel the Duck Race, there was a real sense of relief that some sense of normality had seemingly been restored.

Although taking place in September rather than May, and lacking the surroundin­g attraction­s of the Dunblane Fling, members of the club were clearly pleased to be able to get together in this way to raise funds for the Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS).

While the final tally of money from sales has still to be completed, the total is likely to be in excess of £4,000.

Spokespers­on Peter Holmes said: “The club was very encouraged to see so many spectators, including lots of children, taking advantage of the warm September weather to enjoy the fun. Many expressed their pleasure that this traditiona­l race was at last able to resume.

“As is the club’s practice, a large net was strung across the river to ensure that no ducks escaped. As it happened, the level of the river was so low that a large number of ducks got stuck on the way to the finish, with a team of Rotarians wading upstream to ensure that all the stragglers were captured.

“Thanks to the co- operation of the Tesco store in Dunblane and the Co-op stores in Dunblane and Bridge of Allan, sales of ducks reached the levels of previous years.

“Members of the local Boys Brigade also sold ducks, playing an important part in adding to total sales. With a total of more than 20 prizes on offer, winners have now been notified of their good luck.

“All being well, the next Duck Race will be held towards the end of May 2022.”

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 ??  ?? Duck! The rubber ducks are poured into the water for the race before Rotary club volunteers start the clean up
Duck! The rubber ducks are poured into the water for the race before Rotary club volunteers start the clean up

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