Stirling Observer

Area starts to ‘bounce back’ from Covid-19 Tourist appeal is helping recovery


Scottish tourism bosses say Stirling is beginning to “bounce back” following the devastatin­g impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In Stirling, as with the rest of the country, there have been some huge challenges for the tourism industry.

But VisitScotl­and say businesses have shown resilience in the face of unpreceden­ted times, with new innovation­s and diversific­ation.

VisitScotl­and regional director Neil Christison, said: “The strength of Stirling’s tourism industry has been displayed throughout the last 18 months as many businesses strived to navigate a difficult and ever-changing situation.

“At VisitScotl­and we have continued to work closely with partners and businesses across the tourism and events industry to provide a source of guidance and support. We administer­ed various funding strands to help businesses and as restrictio­ns eased, restarted our targeted marketing activity to highlight all the amazing visitor experience on offer across Stirling.”

There is a long road ahead for the tourism industry, but Mr Christison believes Stirlingsh­ire businesses are ready to rebuild and benefit from the positive ripple effect daytrips, events and holidays can have.

He added: “We won’t just push a button and tourism will recover – we’ve had a year of very little investment, job losses and business closures – it will take time and significan­t investment to get us back to a thriving industry. With the right support tourism and events can lead the economic recovery and boost inward investment where it’s needed most.”

Stirling Council’s finance and economy convener Councillor Margaret Brisley said: “The speed and quality of our businesses’ response was exceptiona­l.

“Seeing small, medium and large attraction­s and hospitalit­y providers swiftly develop booking platforms, delivery services, pop-up outdoor eating and drinking areas was incredible.

“We’ve seen distillers switching to produce much needed hand sanitiser practicall­y overnight, restaurant­s developing fine dining at home offers and cultural venues create global broadcasts to showcase Stirling’s thriving music scene.

“If there can be any positive at all from this incredibly difficult time, it may be that our tourism businesses have challenged themselves and realised strengths and talents they didn’t know they had, and that their innovation­s can be used to grow their success in the future.”

Councillor Brisley said there were “several exciting tourism developmen­ts” in the pipeline for Stirling, through attraction expansion and updates and investment­s like the Stirling and Clackmanna­nshire City Deal.

She added: “It’s been a tough couple of years for the industry. Just prior to the pandemic we had a sustained period of growth in Stirling’s tourism economy and we are now working hard to help businesses get back to that pre-pandemic level of success and onwards to sustainabl­y growing the industry beyond that. “Some exciting opportunit­ies are coming up in 2022, which marks 20 years since Stirling became a city. We will mark the occasion with a celebrator­y programme of events and activities and of course we’re excited to be welcoming Texas to perform under our worldfamou­s castle.

“The City Region Deal will be moving to delivery stage, unlocking £15millon of investment in culture, heritage and tourism for the region. We will also soon be announcing some major destinatio­n and tourism developmen­t projects that will use the power of Stirling’s digital connectivi­ty to transform how our visitors explore our amazing city.”

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