Stirling Observer

Michael highlights dyslexia job hurdles


Plea over recruitmen­t barriers

A Stirling man who struggled with an unfair recruitmen­t process wants employers to ensure that other people don’t experience the same struggle.

Michael Sheldon, 37, faced continual setbacks when applying for assistant psychology roles when the vacancies were vanishing before he’d completed his applicatio­n.

The Stirling University psychology masters graduate, who is dyslexic, was giving up hope of ever entering the profession he trained for, so appealed to Dyslexia Scotland to help address the issue.

Michael said: “After completing my applicatio­ns, even several days before the closing date, I was shocked to discover that I wouldn’t be able to apply. The adverts had been withdrawn because enough people had sent their applicatio­ns in before me. I felt like I was never going to get a chance at a job.”

Applicatio­n forms are notoriousl­y tricky for people with dyslexia, even for graduates like Michael who are skilled in writing academic essays. It takes time for a dyslexic person to read and process a job pack, plan and compose a written applicatio­n to the best standard, then to proof-read and check before hitting ‘send’.

For Michael and thousands of others like him, applying for jobs presents many barriers. A vacancy closing early can put dyslexic jobseekers at a real disadvanta­ge.

An estimated ten percent of the population is dyslexic which equates to around 3700 Stirling residents.

In time for Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland, which runs from November 1-7 2021, Michael and Dyslexia Scotland are appealing to employers to make routes into employment more inclusive of dyslexic applicants.

Dyslexia Scotland chief executive Cathy Magee said:

“Dyslexic people bring great talent to a diverse workplace. We hope that employers consider ways to make recruitmen­t more dyslexia friendly so that skilled graduates like Michael can enter a positive destinatio­n after their studies. We encourage all Scottish organisati­ons to show their support this Dyslexia Awareness Week and make your workplace more inclusive.”

Since sharing his story with the charity and getting support with applicatio­ns, Michael has been successful in getting a job as an assistant psychologi­st. He isn’t ignoring the hurdles that he’s experience­d so far though.

Michael said: “Even though I managed to get into the role, I’ll keep challengin­g unfair recruitmen­t practices so other dyslexic people don’t have the same struggle I did.” Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland runs from November 1-7 and the theme is ‘Destinatio­n dyslexia: a route map’. Visit https://www. dyslexiasc­ dyslexia-awareness-weekscotla­nd to get involved.

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